Katy Counseling for Men: Counseling for Men in Katy, Tx & Houston
Building Stronger Futures Together

Reasons Men Start Counseling
At Katy Counseling for Men, we know not every man is the same. The life experiences men have vary greatly from one man to the next. So do our challenges.
We provide those counseling approaches that are supported by research. These approaches have been shown to be effective and in the least amount of time necessary.
Below are common reasons men start men's therapy. You are not alone in what you experience. And now you have therapists for men who have the experience to help you.
Do you find yourself:
Feeling a sense of hopelessness?
Feeling sad more days than not?
Having thoughts of "not wanting to be around" or suicide?
Find yourself more irritable or angry?
Having a hard time sleeping or sleeping too much?
Have low motivation?
Have lost interest in things that use to be enjoyable & that may include sex?
Do you find yourself:
Getting irritable & angry easily?
Getting angry over small things? Things that you know you shouldn't be angry about?
Do you feel guilt or shame after your anger outburst?
Is your anger affecting the relationships with those that you love?
Are you frustrated as you've tried to control your anger but nothing seems to work?
Do you find yourself:
Having constant fears & worry on your mind?
With fear & worry keeping you up at night?
Having feeling self-conscious?
Have feelings of impending failure?
Having a hard time concentrating & focusing?
Drinking more than usual?
More irritable or angry with yourself and others?
Do you find yourself:
Separated from your wife or partner and unsure of what the next right steps are?
Separated or getting divorced & the stress is feeling overwhelming?
Feeling stuck and not sure if you should reconcile or move forward with a divorce?
Divorced and experiencing feeling alone without support?
Divorced and trying to work out how to co-parent your kids?
Do you find yourself:
Having experienced something that overwhelmed your ability to cope ?
With the experience constantly on your mind?
You are constantly on guard & maybe easily startled?
More irritable, angry, & may have violent outbursts?
Feeling overwhelming guilt or shame?
Having nightmares about the experience?
Feeling stuck in your relationship and don't know why?
Realizing that you have grown apart, that you are not the same two people who met?
Challenged by issues around infidelity but want to find a way to work it out?
Having difficulty in communicating with each other?
Having different parenting approaches which is causing rifts in the relationship.
Trying to find ways to build trust again to improve your marriage or relationship?
Counseling for Men Can Help Remove the Obstacles Keeping You Stuck

Men, one of the unique challenges we face is we are hard wired to not show weakness. Our cave man ancestors who showed weakness, well, they didn't live to tell the tale.
For many men, going to therapy can be challenging. Thinking about expressing our inner experience and how that's interfering in our lives can feel vulnerable. And feeling vulnerable can feel "weak". And what our ancestors passed down through our male genes is weakness could equal danger.
Life has so much more to offer on the other side of those obstacles. Is it truly "weak" to see a counselor? Or when you push through that discomfort, fear, and anxiety of seeing a therapist for men, isn't that strength?
Seeing a counselor for men can help you overcome depression and find motivation and drive again. Seeing a counselor for men can help with the anxiety, fear, worry, and dread that prevents you from excelling. Seeing a counselor for men can free you from the obstacles that keep you stuck.
Start today in overcoming those obstacles that prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest. Start building your stronger future today!
Begin Men's Counseling in Katy, Tx & Houston: Katy Counseling for Men
You don't have to live with depression, anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, or other burdens any longer. Counseling for men can help remove these obstacles and lift the burden. You can feel the freedom, happiness, and drive that comes from overcoming these challenges.
At our Katy, Tx location of Katy Counseling for Men, our therapists specialize in men's counseling. If you are ready to do the work, we can help. All you need to do is follow these three simple steps:
Contact Katy Counseling for Men
Meet with one of our men's counseling specialists
Start living a life free of the burdens that weigh you down

Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling
In men's counseling, we can work on individual goals. Helping you to overcome things like depression, anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, anger, and build self-confidence often helps improve relationships.
As you continue to grow a stronger future and you are married or in a relationship, it is often helpful to work in marriage counseling or couples therapy. As your foundation is building stronger, you are in a prime position to be able to help strengthen the relationships with those you love.
Then there are those things that may directly or indirectly affect our relationships:
Choices and actions that have been made that affect the bond of trust.
Financial challenges related to a wife, partner, or your actions.
Infidelity by your wife, partner, or you.
Pornography has driven a wedge between you and your wife or partner.
Feeling like you are growing apart and the intimacy isn't there any longer.
Feeling stuck in the relationship and wanting to work things through.
Regardless the reason, marriage counseling and couples therapy can help. The benefit of starting marriage counseling or couples therapy is that it usually takes less time than individual therapy. This is particularly true if you have been in men's counseling working on strengthening yourself.
If marriage counseling or couples therapy would be helpful for you and the wife or partner you love, contact us today.
Other Wellness Services Offered at Katy Counseling for Men:
Katy, TX & Houston
At our Katy, TX location of Katy Counseling for Men, we offer a variety of counseling services to fit your unique needs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
Trauma therapy
PTSD treatment
Counseling for anxiety
Counseling for social anxiety

Board Certified Neurofeedback
Peak performance (optimal academic brain performance)

Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy