Trauma Therapy & PTSD Treatment for Men
Building Stonger Futures Together

You're just not the same as you used to be. You have constant thoughts about the trauma that seem to intrude throughout the day. You find it difficult to focus and stay on task and are not performing at work like you would want to as a result.​
You may be experiencing bouts of anger outbursts over seemingly small things. You don't know why you do this but it's affecting your relationships and work.
You may be having a hard time sleeping at night. You often have dreams or nightmares about the trauma. Because of the nightmares, you dread going to sleep.
It feels so heavy somedays and feelings of hopelessness settle in. Will this every get any better?
What is Trauma & PTSD in Today's World?
The word "trauma" or "traumatized" has been thrown around and used too freely in today's world. A college student whose professor didn't give her the A is "traumatized". The high school football player who didn't make the cut is "traumatized". We have "safe places" now where people can go so as to not risk feeling offended as that is "traumatizing".
What this has done has watered down what trauma is. It has made it where people who have experienced a truly traumatic experience resist acknowledging that they have experienced trauma. They don't want to be categorized with the college student, the football player, or those who may need a safe space.
What many people believe trauma to be and would classify as a trauma would be:
A veteran returning from combat
A person who has experience emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse
A person who was assaulted, robbed. or otherwise accosted
Experiencing a natural disaster
While all these things certainly could be traumatic, other things can cause trauma as well that may not rise to this intensity.
Trauma is any experience that overwhelms our emotional system and our ability to cope. Under this definition, the following could be traumatic:
Being cheated on by a spouse or partner
Repeatedly being cheated on by a spouse or partner
A spouse or partner's substance abuse
Losing a job and finding yourself struggling financially
A life threatening or non-life threating car accident
A serious or significant physical injury
A loss of a loved one
Experiencing judgement from the religion of your childhood/teen years
And more
Symptoms of Trauma or PTSD
Symptoms of trauma may vary from man to man. Some men may experience terrible nightmares while others do not. The severity and intensity of symptoms depend on many personal factors unique to each man.
Below are common symptoms of Trauma or PTSD:
Denial of trauma
Difficulty in focusing on work projects, relationships, or home
Anger, irritability, and difficulty managing your mood
Feelings of sadness and hopelessness (depression)
Feeling disconnected and withdrawn from others and everyday life
Difficulty in following conversations
Obsessive worrying, anxiety, and fear
Being startled easily
Difficulty getting to sleep and/or staying asleep
Muscle tension, body aches and pains
Being overly aware of your surroundings
Trauma Therapy & PTSD Treatment Can Help Men Get Their Lives Back

Men, we tend to be the worst at seeking help. We see doctors far less than women do. We may see a dentist if it gets really bad. If we get injured, we'll slap some ice and alternate with heat and maybe takes some ibuprofen. Seeing a counselor for men? Forget about it!
Biologically, we are hard wired to not show weakness. Our cave man ancestors who showed weakness tended to not be around after to tell the tale. That trait has been passed down through the generations to include modern man.
What the produces is a lot of men who are suffering in silence. Talking about our emotions and experiences can feel very uncomfortable. Men get used to the "familiar pain" and tend to stay with that than the unknown of what counseling for men may be like.
At Katy Counseling for Men, our counselors specialize in providing men's therapy. These are counselors who through their education, training, and experience help men as the main focus.
As a result, you'll be matched with a therapist who has helped other men like you who have had similar struggles with trauma or PTSD. Therapists who have helped men get their lives back and break free from the symptoms of trauma or PTSD.
Trauma therapy and PTSD treatment for men can help remove the barriers that stand in your way of building a stronger future.
Trauma Therapy & PTSD Treatment Approaches at Katy Counseling for Men
There are many effective trauma therapy and PTSD treatment approaches available. The approaches we use are supported by research and shown to be effective.
Below are some of the approaches we use at Katy Counseling for Men.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT was developed in the 1960's & has shown over the years to be an effective counseling approach for anxiety. Trauma Focused - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can also be an effective approach in trauma therapy and PTSD treatment.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
ART combines several research supported approaches in treating trauma. ART draws heavily from EMDR and has slight differences that can make a big difference for the right person. ART can often show improvements in as few as 1-5 sessions.

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR was developed in the 1980's. EMDR is supported by research and widely used for trauma therapy and PTSD treatment. It is not traditional talk therapy like other trauma therapy and PTSD treatment approaches. EMDR goes to the source of the trauma in the brain and helps process traumatic information through the use of our brains natural function in processing information -- eye movements.

Board Certified Neurofeedback
The symptoms of trauma and PTSD come from the brain. Through neurofeedback, we can map the brain and the regions of the brain that are producing these symptoms. Once we map the brain, we can then create a training protocol to help the brain function without the symptoms of trauma or PTSD. It is a very non-invasive approach, very relaxing, and can be enjoyable.
What is Holding You Back From Starting Trauma Therapy or PTSD Treatment?

There are very good reasons why men may find it hard to see a counselor for men for trauma therapy or PTSD treatment. One reason is the concern that in therapy, the therapist will have you talk about the trauma. Or maybe there is lack of desire to talk about your past, childhood, etc.
Or maybe you are a man who wants to dig into the past and explore the trauma you experienced. It could be the distant past as a child or teenager or the more recent past when a trauma occurred.
We have trauma therapy and PTSD treatment approaches that will meet each man's need:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will be more the talk kind of therapy.
While EMDR and ART do not require a lot of talking about the past or the trauma.
And neurofeedback simply trains the brain where there is no exploring of the past and talking about the trauma.
Part of men's counseling being effective is pairing you with the right counseling approach for you. At Katy Counseling for Men, we are very mindful of your needs in therapy and can help you identify the right approach that will help you get your life back.
Start Trauma Therapy or PTSD Treatment Today: Katy Counseling for Men
The sleeplessness nights, the difficulty concentrating and accomplishing tasks, and the fear and worry can end. Trauma therapy or PTSD treatment can help. ​
Our Katy, TX location of Katy Counseling for Men has therapist who specialize in men's counseling. To start your counseling journey, follow these three simple steps:
Contact Katy Counseling for Men
Meet with one of our caring and experienced therapists
Start your journey in building a stronger future free from trauma or PTSD
Other Wellness Services Offered at Katy Counseling for Men:
Katy, TX & Houston
At our Katy, TX location of Katy Counseling for Men, in addition to trauma therapy and PTSD treatment for men, we offer a variety of other counseling services to fit your unique needs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
Trauma therapy
PTSD treatment
Counseling for anxiety
Counseling for social anxiety

Board Certified Neurofeedback
Peak performance (optimal academic brain performance)

Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy