Anxiety Counseling for Men
Building Stonger Futures Together

You have worries on your mind that spin and spin. When you lay down at night, the thoughts continue to run through your mind. You may have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. When you wake up the next morning, the worried thoughts are still there.
You may have a feeling of impending failure. You "just know" the other shoe is going to drop at some point. All the hard work you've put in will be wasted.
On the outside, you look to others like you have your stuff together. People see you as competent, skilled, and able. On the inside, you feel like an imposter and it's only a matter of time before you're found out!
When you are with your friends and family, you can talk easily and casually. But when you are at work, in a group of people you do not know, or talking in front of a large group of people, your nerves start to activate. Your heart starts racing, you may start sweating, your hands get clammy, and you find that you can't speak as freely and casually as you know you can.
Anxiety & Its Impact on Men
Men, do you want to be successful in your relationships? Successful in your career? In your personal progress and goals?
Anxiety in men can be an obstacle that prevents men from performing at their full potential. Anxiety is usually irrational. Our logical brain can view the situation and knows there may be nothing to be worried or fearful about. But our anxious brain says differently.
The anxious brain puts into motion hormones and neurochemicals that trigger a cascade of bodily functions that block our ability to succeed. The very frustrating thing about anxiety is we know what we are capable of much more in life. Yet anxiety blocks us from using our full capabilities.
Men often start therapy for men to help find relief from symptoms of anxiety. Below we will dive into anxiety in all its forms.
Different Types of Anxiety Under the Anxiety Umbrella

Anxiety is one challenge that takes different forms for different men. Generalized anxiety is the term that most people equate to anxiety. We will define generalized anxiety below.
There is a network, or regions of the brain, that work together that create symptoms of anxiety. The fear network is designed and passed down through the ages to protect us.
So, while it may not feel like the symptoms of anxiety are there to keep us safe in many instances, that is the purpose in evolutionary terms. It's the "fight, flight, or freeze" response that our brains trigger to fight off danger, run from danger, or freeze/hide/avoid from danger.
That's all well and good for our caveman ancestors. But in modern day, we don't face the same dangers. But our brain doesn't register this. Anxiety is the fear network picking up signals in the environment and translating them into danger. It's the fear network run wild!
Below are some of the different kinds of anxiety that men experience today.
Generalized Anxiety in Men
Generalized anxiety is 0ne of if not the most common emotional challenge that men face today. When people talk about feeling anxious it's usually generalized anxiety.
The symptoms of generalized anxiety include:
Uncontrolled worry, fear, and nervousness
Startling easily
Difficulty getting to and/or staying asleep
Difficulty with memory
Difficulty concentrating
Irritability or anger
Frequent headaches
Muscle tension
Sweaty palms or sweating in general
Heart palpitations
Social Anxiety in Men (Also Called Social Phobia)
Another form of anxiety that men today experience is social anxiety. Social anxiety also goes by another name, social phobia, and both are interchangeable.
Social anxiety is a specific kind of anxiety towards social situations where generalized anxiety is generalized to any situation.
The symptoms of social anxiety include:
Noticeable fear or anxiety above what one would normally anticipate in one or more social situation
Fear of being judged by others
Rapid speech
Increase in blushing or excessive blushing
Saying something then feeling embarrassed and/or humiliated in the moment and/or when you think about it later
Heart palpitations
Difficulty in and uncomfortable in meeting new people
Difficulty talking in a group of people
Constant thoughts after a social situation analyzing your words and actions
Excessive sweating
Panic Attacks in Men
Panic attacks is the stealth form of anxiety. Panic attacks generally start with little to no warning. They can happen at any time.
Once they hit, it's like riding a bucking bronco that you can't bail off of. You have to hold on tight until it's over. And it will pass. They can feel life threatening for some but no one has died of a panic attack (though it can make you feel like it).
Through men's counseling, you can start to identify triggers and the core reasons panic attacks may be happening. This will help pave a pathway to overcoming panic attacks.
There are things that men can do to prevent panic attacks and to decrease the severity when one strikes.
The symptoms of panic attacks include:
Fear of losing control
"Brain lock" where speaking becomes difficult
A feeling or sense of impending doom
Heart palpitations
Chest pain
Stomach pain
Dizzy feeling
Suicidal thoughts
Meeting With a Therapist Who Specializes in Men's Counseling for Anxiety Can Help

You can see how anxiety in all its forms, can limit a man from living up to his full potential. In fact, anxiety can be debilitating at times.
Anxiety in all its forms is one of the more common struggles that men are challenged with today. And anxiety has been one of the more common struggles men face for decades.
Because of this, anxiety is one of the more researched counseling topics in the therapy world. This means there are a wide variety of effective counseling approaches that help men overcome anxiety.
At Katy Counseling for Men, we have helped other men like you, who have struggled with symptoms of anxiety.
Men, you don't have to live with anxiety any longer. Let us help you build a stronger future together. A future free of the symptoms of anxiety that will allow you to live life to your fullest potential, in all areas of your life!
Our Counseling Approaches for Anxiety
Below are a few of the counseling approaches we utilize to help me overcome symptoms of anxiety. Counseling for men with therapists who specialize in men's counseling allows us to create a treatment approach specific to you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT was developed in the 1960's & has shown over the years to be an effective counseling approach for anxiety. Focusing on core beliefs, automatic thoughts, & the emotions, CBT helps men challenge irrational thoughts utilizing time tested skills and strategies.
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
ART has been shown to alleviate symptoms of anxiety is as little as 1-5 sessions. Not traditional talk therapy, like CBT, ART utilizes concepts from several effective approaches like EMDR. This is a great option for a man who may struggle to talk about his experience with anxiety.
Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR was developed in the 1980's. EMDR like ART is not a traditional talk therapy approach. EMDR has been used for anxiety related trauma for veterans returning from combat, men who have been abused, for panic attacks, social anxiety, performance anxiety, and general anxiety.

Board Certified Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback for anxiety has been approximately 90% effective in moderate to significant gains. Taking specialized training, neurofeedback works directly at the source of the anxiety -- the brain. We do brain training to help teach your brain and nervous system to function without the problematic anxiety.

Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy
While not a specific therapy approach, if you are a man who has experienced anxiety, marriage counseling & couples therapy may help. It can help your wife or partner understand anxiety. You can also help them understand the best way to support you. If relationship challenges have come about due to the side effects of anxiety, marriage counseling and couples therapy can help.
Are There Things Holding You Back From Starting Anxiety Counseling for Men?

It may be feeling like it's lack of available time to go to counseling for anxiety. Maybe it's on the backburner of other important priorities. Or it could be that you're concerned that anxiety counseling won't work for you.
One thing may be certain. If you have been trying to manage your anxiety and you haven't achieved the results you would like, it might be time to give therapy for anxiety a shot. Many men have and it has changed many men's lives.
At Katy Counseling for men, this is one reason we hire those counselors who specialize in men's therapy. We want to maximize the likelihood that therapy will work for you. If you put in the work, our counselors have the experience to help.
Start Anxiety Counseling in Katy, Texas & Houston: Katy Counseling for Men
The constant worry, the irrational fears, the self-consciousness of anxiety has held you back for long enough. You can be free from the grips of anxiety and be free to live life at your full potential.
Our Katy, TX location of Katy Counseling for Men has therapist who specialize in men's counseling. To start your counseling journey, follow these three simple steps:
Contact Katy Counseling for Men
Meet with one of our therapists specializing in men's counseling for anxiety
Start your journey in building a stronger future, free from anxiety
Other Wellness Services Offered at Katy Counseling for Men:
Katy, TX & Houston
At our Katy, TX location of Katy Counseling for Men, in addition to anxiety counseling for men, we offer a variety of other counseling services to fit your unique needs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
Trauma therapy
PTSD treatment
Counseling for anxiety
Counseling for social anxiety

Board Certified Neurofeedback

Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy
Peak performance (optimal academic brain performance)